Crítica de discos
.Crítica de discos.
Entre la propaganda-publicidad de Los Inrockuptibles/Rolling Stone y la cerril-montaraz proto/fake-hip crítica de discos de los Pink Moon Bros., nos encontramos con un rango de textos de justa ironía cuando es realmente necesaria y de válida subjectividad cuando un logro así lo demanda. In short, hablamos de la crítica intructivo-constructiva. Cito aquí un ejemplo:
“Zeitgeist” (Reprise)
A couple of years ago, when Billy Corgan decided to reunite Smashing Pumpkins, which broke up in 2000, he announced his intentions with a full-page advertisement in his hometown newspaper The Chicago Tribune. “I want my band back,” it read in part, “and my songs, and my dreams.”
Not surprisingly this comeback album exudes roughly the same degree of subtlety, from the title, “Zeitgeist,” to the cover illustration. (Designed by Shepard Fairey, it depicts the Statue of Liberty knee-deep in what looks like a rising tide.) And in case you missed the point, Mr. Corgan provides songs called “For God and Country” and “Pomp and Circumstances,” along with lyrics like these, from “United States”: “I want to fight, I want to fight /A revolution tonight.
So "Zeitgeist” appears to have a sense of urgency about something other than Mr. Corgan’s dreams. The album is surprisingly effective in musical terms: drone-laden and distortion-jacked, it sounds about as tough as anything this band has produced. Jimmy Chamberlain, the only other original member on hand, thrashes impressively at his drums, and Mr. Corgan’s nasal whine slices cleanly through the din.
The problem, on more than a few tracks, is what he’s saying. In addition to some nonspecific political exhortations, he offers vagaries about personal relations, inner demons and “the light” that everyone should be shining. Maybe someday Mr. Corgan will have to reconcile “It’s lonely at the top” with “I don’t want to be alone.” For now he seems dauntless in his belief that self-absorption and social responsibility can coexist, and who knows? He might have his finger on the pulse after all. NATE CHINEN
Para una instrumentalización ejemplificatoria de lo antedicho, visitar:
Compren, compren! Tiene 3 estrellitas!:
Los amigos (eg. Félix) de mis amigos son mis amigos si primeramente mis amigos son (Alabado sea) Melero y si sus amigos (ergo, mis amigos) son sus músicos. Nieve Félix:
Curiosamente, nuestro yet unknown amigo Félix también se encuentra prologado por el (ya pen)último número de los Inrocks. Donde el amiguismo de Marky Mark se intersecta con la industria.